Aaron has arrived. Sorry that I didn't get an update to the site sooner, but it's been crazy (not to mention, at the hospital, I didn't have access to the internet). The hospital actually didn't have a public Wireless internet access. Anyhow, mommy and baby are both home now.

Jenny's final Ultrasound (only about 2 weeks before Aaron was born), Aaron was ready to be born normally, he was facing down like a good boy. Somewhere between that ultrasound and the night we rushed to the hospital, he turned sideways. The doctors at Kennedy were concerned with him being sideways, and decided to do a C-section. Well, on the way to the operating room for the C-section, Jenny's water broke, and the hospital went into emergency mode, and had Aaron removed in 9 minutes (wow!).

Aaron was delivered, healthy and fine (a little Jaundiced, but all in all, good), and mommy is doing much better today now. Aaron was born on 8-11-08 at 3:50 am, 7 lbs. 7 oz., 21 inches.

Congrats to Marion Kulpa for winning the contest. And thank you to all who participated and also called, emailed, etc. We appreciate all your thoughts and support very much!

Click here to see the contest results.